

Aaron Robinson is an artist, somatic breathwork practitioner, mindfulness coach and podcast host. Over the last 5 years he has dedicated himself to creating spaces for healing, personal growth and accountability through workshops and public talks for corporations, non profits, schools and community. Realizing that most people struggle with consistency in their meditation practice, Aaron has created a modern framework for anyone to apply whenever they fall out of their routine. Through being open and sharing our collective experiences we see that showing up isn’t just half of the battle, it’s pretty much the whole thing.



Meaghan is a spiritual therapist, teacher and devoted daughter of the earth. she believes that the work of our times is to remember that we are divine beings having a human experience. in her personal experience, connecting with the earth through ritual and ceremony has allowed for a deep witnessing, a remembering of ancient wisdom and an overwhelming experience of love. the revolutionary times we are facing are asking each of us to step fully into our authentic truth, follow our calling and connect meaningfully with others to create the world we dream of living in. meaghan knows that community is key to this creation and considers herself blessed to be a steward of the community at Flow State.



Gerald "G" Jimenez is a Design Director within the advertising industry. As an immigrant from Dominican Republic he is passionate about representation in the arts and in creating communities where all are welcome. As a neuro-divergent creative he follows the joy wherever it leads him with passion and curiosity.



Meet Chel, one of our founding council members of Flow State. Chel is our resident Joy Guide and Love Bearer. She brings her vast background with over a decade of death work and mental health non-profit experience, writing, theater, and various healing modalities. She is a trained Reiki Master/teacher, Past Life Regressionist, Hypnotherapist, and Psychedelic Guide. Chel is a community builder by design, as this has been her focus with every role she has possessed. Her passions lie in guiding others to heal and uncover authentic joy through self-expression, self-reflection and play. She believes micro and macro transformation is not are not only accessible, but very possible when we are moving from our internal compass and embodying our divine truths from a heart-centered space.



David Vega is a Psychic Therapist, Solarpunk Artist and Community Builder. Their work is powered by their vivid memory and vision of the future. Lead by their heart, Vega explores both art and therapy in ways that challenge outdated paradigms and belief systems by carving a healing path detached from our current colonial and imperial capitalist matrix, to inspire a more conscious, meaningful, compassionate and sustainable one… a path towards together and back to our mother Earth. As a therapist, Vega specializes in subconscious reprogramming, psychotherapy, motivational speaking, psychic perception, hypnotherapy and emotional healing all in one.Their ability to see through one’s soul allows them to witness one’s higher self and therefore the healing path leading to one’s highest timeline. Vega is someone who people come to to awaken and discover parts of themselves they have yet to meet, love or free… To consciously dream their lives.

